Truth Booth Programs

Display Systems
The Truth Booth display system is a self-contained unit that is designed to operate on an unmanned shopping mall kiosk, cart or other display table. Its purpose is to display ultrasound video via an integrated TV monitor. Two units can be fitted back-to-back to capture traffic on both sides of an aisle. This system is ideal for large venues such as shopping malls and schools. The system is constructed of durable wood and wood composites and features a Plexiglas protected litho graphic. The unit houses a battery backed solid state video player and a programmable system timer to enable unattended operation.
- Shopping Malls
- Church & School Tours
- Church & Community Fairs

Truth Booth Mobile
At the heart of this program is a simple QR Code. Scanning the code from a smart phone or tablet will route the visitor to the Truth Booth video.
This program leverages consumer electronics to assist personal viral networking of the Truth Booth message in a cost effective manner.
Print the QR Code on business cards, or for organizations already using business cards, the QR Code can be placed on the back of their cards. Or, the QR Code can be added
to flyers and emails, include in just about any printed or electronic media.
- Personal - Sidewalk Counseling, In-Person Sharing
- Print - Newsletters, Brochures, Business Cards

Truth Booth DVDs
We offer DVDs for those that already have display systems or don't need our self-contained display system. The video plays on ordinary DVD players and can usually be set to repeat indefinitely. For large audiences, the video projects very well.
- Physician Offices
- Education Events
- School Programs
- Fundraisers
- Laptop Presentation
NOTE: You can always view and share the video from this web site for free. Having the video on a DVD provides repeat mode (through the DVD player) and allows for off-line (no Internet connection) viewing.
A "Truth Booth" is an unmanned display showing 3D and 4D ultrasound images of the child in the womb. It provides information about pre-natal development and pregnancy in a visual form for people to process without cumbersome words or confrontation.
The Truth Booth is factual, scientific, creative, gentle and informative in its content presentation, allowing all age groups to comprehend our early development with clarity. It is simply pictures of the developing child, not a provocation for controversy.

Some Truth Booths are stationary, others are "on tour".
Originally conceived for secular shopping mall settings, Truth Booth displays have been setup in schools, churches, conferences, festivals, fairs, doctor's offices, Catholic Diocese lobbies and other places beyond our initial vision. We love to hear about other applications for the display, please contact us with your ideas!
School Tour Programs
These organizations (and others) offer free use of their units for displaying in schools:

Gen 1 (2006)
The original concept debutes in Echelon Mall in Vorhees, NJ. It utilized open CRT monitors driven by a DVD player. This display required manual start/stop.

Gen 2 (2007)
These displays were custom built to their enclosure environment. They were secure and automated with timers synced to the venue's hours of operation.

Gen 3 (2009)
Vinyl graphic wrapped metal enclosures, these units were standardized and able to be setup quickly at a shopping mall or school. They utilized solid state video players.

Gen 4 (2011)
Unlike other versions, this unit is single sided. It debuted at the 2011 March for Life in Washington, DC. The solid wood enclosure is the most durable and portable design.
Displayed Truth Booth video at Sunday services
St. James Church, NJ
My pastor was hesitant at first about showing the video because he thought it might scare young children, so he had me find young parents to preview it with their children. I had no complaints about it this weekend, and I noticed that young people (teens and children) were very interested. I love the music in the background, and the beauty and wonder portrayed, without being preachy. I will definitely show this video at any masses with pro-life activities (such as baby showers for pregnancy centers).
A pregnant woman
Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
I loved the presentation of the Truth Booth video that I saw at the Beginnings Pregnancy Centre. It was really amazing to see the stages of life and the changes in growth. I have found out I am pregnant and due Dec 4 and I am so glad that they have the tools to show us 4D images. It is simply a gift and miracle.
Life's Vision - Manitoba, Canada
The Provincial group (Life's Vision) purchased a Truth Booth that they now bring to shopping malls, schools, churches, provincial exhibitions and youth conferences. The Truth Booth draws people like glue. They are amazed at how the baby is moving and developing in the womb. Expectant mothers are glued to the video.
Sidewalk Counselor
Fair Oaks, CA
Being a sidewalk counselor for many years in the 40 Days for Life campaign, I was excited and inspired to make business cards today to hand out with your app info and saying LET LIVE! Planning to place them where other young people congregate! Together we can save lives!
LifeWorks Ohio - Cleveland, Ohio
The St. John Vianney Festival borrowed the Truth Booth from LifeWorks Ohio. At the Festival, a young mom came up to the people who were 'manning' the Truth Booth, and told them her story. She had seen the Truth Booth at their last year’s festival as well, and at that time, she was 4 months pregnant and was considering abortion. However, after seeing the Truth Booth video, she knew she couldn’t go ahead with the abortion and as a result, her baby girl is alive today!
Richland Pregnancy Services - Mansfield, Ohio
The 1 year anniversary of the Truth Booth at Richland Mall was 12/15, and as of then we had distributed over 2,500 of the First Nine Month brochures. It would be impossible to calculate the blessing this has been to Richland Pregnancy Services and those who have found their way to us through this resource. We continue to get calls and positive comments from people who have seen the display. Thanks so much to all of you. May God continue to richly bless you in your work for the unborn.
Cleveland Right To Life - Cleveland Ohio
A young man who was standing in front of the Truth Booth called me today to ask how his girlfriend could see their baby. By the tone and emotion in his voice he was obviously upset. He told me that he had been trying to talk his girlfriend out of an abortion and knew if she could see an ultrasound of their baby, like the baby on the Truth Booth, he was convinced she would reconsider the abortion. I gave him the number of an ultrasound company. I then called the company and they agreed to do the ultrasound free of charge, if her doctor would approve this. I think we saved a life today!
Contact Us
Truth Booth is managed by an all-volunteer team.
We are usually able to respond to inquiries within a day or two.
For your security and convenience, we use PayPal for donations.
Truth Booth is operated at the direction of
Cleveland Right To Life Education Fund